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Forest21 Impact: Perspective of Mr. Khensani Landela, Ratambo Farm Manager 

Forest21 Mentor Reflection on Problem Based Learning:
Mr. Romi Rancken,HAMK

FOREST21 2024 Entrepreneurship & PBL Workshop in Finland, September 

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F21 Partners on a walk through the forest at HAMK EVO Campus on Sept. 10 2024 (Picture taken by Jennifer Ohemeng)

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F21 Partners visiting the designs for cooler planets exhibition in Aalto on Sept. 11 2024 (picture taken by Jennifer Ohemeng)

The 2024 F21 PBL & Entrepreneurship workshop was co-hosted by Häme University of Applied Sciences (HAMK) and Aalto. It was the first of its kind for the project because most the project workshops have been organised in partner Institutions based in South Africa. It was held from 9-13 September 2024 on the campuses of Häme University of Applied Sciences (Hämeenlinna) and Aalto University (Espoo).​

The workshop objectives were to introduce partners to the teaching methods and learning tools used in HAMK & Aalto in Forestry related programmes. Secondly, it was used to demonstrate how industry collaboration support student learning and finally, it was used to assess the work done in the project and collaboratively develop strategies for the completion of outstanding activities.    ​​   

In attendance were representatives from Fort Cox University, Stellenbosch University, Nelson Mandela University, University of Venda and Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences.

In HAMK, partners were introduce to the forest as the Evo campus is based in the middle of a forest. Additionally, curricula and teaching methods were introduced. A representative from UPM presented on the practical ways they collaborate with HAMK to support students learning and its mutual benefits. â€‹Aalto, on the hand showcased their strong Design and Art programmes where their students utilize plant based and other materials to develop new products and several research ongoing to find biodegradable alternatives to plastics. 


It was a successful workshop because there was peer learning & discussions. The lessons learnt will enhance course delivery and approach to teaching​

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